Hon. NwaneriChigozie,Member represenng Oru-East Local Government Area in Imo State House of Assembly, The Chairman, Oru-East Local Government Area, The Assistant Commissioner of Police, Oru-East Local Government Area, The Divisional Police Officer, AwoOmamma,Oru-East Local Government Area, The Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology, Imo State, The Director of Science, Ministry of Science and Technology, Imo State, Zonal Coordinator, The West African Examinaon Council, The Chief Host and the General Superintendent of the Watchman Catholic Charismac Renewal Movement, Pastor A.C. Ohanebo, The Diocesan Pastors, W.C.C.R.M., The Board of Governors, Logos Internaonal Secondary School, Our Disnguished Principal,AnyanwuChinwe (Mrs), Execuve Members Parents Teachers Associaon, The Chairman of the occasion, The Guest Minister, The Guest Lecturer, Bank Mangers, LOGISS Alumni Associaon, Members of the Press, Disnguished Guests, Graduang Students, Members of Staff, Fellow Students, Disnguished Ladies and Gentlemen, I sincerely use this privilege bestowed on me as the valedictorian of the year, to welcome everyone here today with regards to this year’s Valedictory/Award-Giving Ceremony of the outgoing SS3 students of this presgious instuon. I thank God Almighty for making this long-expected day to come to pass, despite all the prevailing challenges and circumstances along this period of six-solid-years in this great Instron. This however has proved the scripture in Ecclesiastes 3:1, “To everything there is a season and a me to every purpose under the heaven”.
We enrolled into this school precisely on the 13th of September, 2013. We came from different family backgrounds, ideologies, trainings, mindset, and having several dreams to achieve in life. We came so that we can be nurtured in order to achieve maximally academic excellence and the godliness of the youth. These transformations were never easy at all, they were so difficult, hectic as well as painful, indeed. We, not knowing fully well the priories of life and the scripture which advocates training up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6) Moreover, some who were with us from the beginning deviated from these precepts and principles of life that were made to mold us into excellent and rebranded youths possessing the spirit of God and high academic standards imparted in our lives. Due to this deviation, the school sent them away. Those of us le, irrespective of all the strict rules and regulations maintained our grounds to adapt to these rules which have made us to become balanced youths today.
To my colleagues, the graduating class, we should, therefore, keep this flag flying high and radiating a splendid glamour of indispensable brightness in other to put the entire world into awareness that LOGISS has yet again put forth a set of blazing stars. According to Charles Philips in 1817, education is, “A companion which no misfortune can depress, no crime destroys, no enemy alienates, no despotism enslaves, at home a friend, abroad an introduction, in solitude a solace, in society an ornament, it chastens vice, it guides virtue, it gives at once a grace and government to genius. Without it, what is man? A splendid slave? a reasoning savage?”. So, we ought to see this quote as a necessary tool in other to become great people in the future. We must continue to remain separate and stand out from the crowd, because what we have acquired in this place can never be silenced. We, knowing fully well that the world we are moving into is very bad and big, with so much pollution, we shall prove to them that we know our God and shall do exploits.
To the school management, we will forever be indebted to our alma-mater, LOGISS, especially our teachers for inculcating these values and virtues into our lives. We appreciate you for your academic, spiritual, and disciplinary efforts which indefatigably have impacted our lives. We can never forget our mummy, the Principal for her dogged efforts in rebranding us into youths with the traits to transform the world.
To our young brothers and sisters, we are leaving you here for good in other to face the realities of life, therefore we adjure you to stand firm and keep to the codes of conduct of this school because they all mean well for your future. Never you contradict any of these rules because when the going gets tough, only the tough people get going. Tough times never last, but tough people do. We have tested it and in unison are confessing positively that the impacts this place has made in our lives can never be forgotten in a hurry. The root of education is very bier but the fruit thereof is sweet. “The height great men achieved were not attained by sudden fight, but while their counterparts slept, they toiled day and night”, said Abraham Lincoln. Always allow this level of discipline to pass through you while passing through this citadel of learning. We shall dearly miss you, people, today and ever but such is life and there is me for everything in this world. We encourage you to take seriously the purpose for which God has brought you to this place, not minding several other schools back there at home, where you came from.
To the man of God, the founder of LOGISS and the movement, we appreciate you our daddy, Pastor Aloysius ChukwuemekaOhanebo, for your efforts in making sure that LOGISS remains the best in all ramificaons (as far as I am concerned). May God Almighty protect, provide and direct you and your family towards heaven.
I am short of words to express “our” sincere gratitude to everybody who in one way or the other contributed to what we are today especially our teachers. May God Almighty see you through! Amen!
Aurevoir, our almamater, LOGISS,