Logos International Secondary School

Km 24, Owerri-Onitsha Rd, P. O. Box 772, Awo-Omamma, Oru-East, Imo State, Nigeria

E-mail: logissawo@yahoo.com, Website: www.logiss.org

Tel: 08109259410

August 6, 2022


Dear Parents/Guardians,




  1. Appreciation

The 2021/2022 academic year rounded off on a promising note as we were poised to instill discipline and engender revival in all and sundry. Our sincere appreciation goes to the Almighty God for the great privilege of His sustaining grace, making it possible for us to see the end of this academic year.


In fact, many commendable developments greeted the eyes of staff, students and parents on resumption this session. We are indebted to the founder of LOGISS and the general superintendent of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Pastor A.C. Ohanebo for creating an enabling environment for us to thrive. In the same vein, we are deeply grateful to the Board of Governors for their unrelenting effort, the elders of the church for their support, the Parents -Teachers Association and our able teachers and parents.


BELOW ARE Important Dates And Information To Note:


  1. Resumption For 1st Term:

All the students are to return to the hostel on Friday and Saturday, September 9 – 10, 2022. Lessons begin on Tuesday, September 13, 2022. Remember that failure to return to the hostel as stipulated still attracts the usual penalty.


  1. 3. Mid-Term Break:

Mid-term break is compulsory for all students. However, parents who want their children to stay back at school shall pay a token of fifteen thousand naira (N15,000.00) only for their upkeep.


Mid-term break for 1st term begins on Saturday October 22, to Friday October 28, 2022. Students shall return to the hostel on Saturday, October 29, 2022.


  1. School Fees:

We thank all our parents for their prompt payment of fees. Fees for 1st term 2022/2023 academic year should be paid during the holidays. Remember, no student shall be allowed into the school without evidence of payment.



 First Bank Logos International Secondary School 2023806256
Union Bank Logos International Secondary School 0043478243
First Bank National PTA LOGISS 2024688178

PTA first term levy of N7,000.00 only is payable into the National PTA Account as stated above.

        JSS2 – SS3

Tuition fees     N60,000.00
Boarding fees     N70,000.00
Feeding fees    N100,000.00
Caution fees      N10,000.00
Plastic Chair        N4,000.00
Barbing          N500.00
Calendar/Daily Due and Tuckshop ID Card N1,400.00
Total   N245,900.00


Pace for JSS2 –  N6,500.00.

Uniform for SS1 – N42,000.00.

  1. Partial Scholarship:

All partial scholarship students should obtain their usual evidence of renewal of the scholarship from their Diocesan pastors and submit same at the point of registration on the day of resumption.

  1. Students Pocket Allowance:

Parents should endeavor to deposit their children/wards pocket allowance into the school account only. Students found with cash shall be sanctioned and the money confiscated.

  1. Foot Wear:

School customized shoes and sandals are sold in the tuck-shop at the rate of three thousand five hundred naira (N3,500.00) only.


  1. Students’ Uniform:

Students that have outgrown their school uniforms should order for new ones. Note that no other type of clothes apart from the school uniforms are allowed in the school. Students who have reshaped their uniforms should loosen them or buy new sets to avoid confiscation. Homemade uniforms are not accepted. Defaulters will be sanctioned and the uniforms confiscated.


  1. 9. The Use of Phone and Electronic Gadgets:

Parents are advised to ensure that their wards do not return to the school with cell phones, electronic gadgets or other unauthorized items. Defaulters will be severely punished or expelled and items confiscated.


  1. Damages:

The rate at which students destroy school property, deface the wall, break the chairs and cut mattresses is alarming. In view of this development, students who are caught in any of these vices will be surcharged or made to replace those items.


  1. Unkempt Personal Appearance:

Students in with bushy hairs, grown fingernails, unauthorized school uniform/foot wear or dirty appearance will not be checked in. Parents are hereby advised to ensure that their ward(s) are neat and ready for resumption.


  1. Discipline:

We encourage both our parents and students to always obey school rules and regulations as LOGISS will not compromise her stand on discipline. The school will not condole any incorrigible student or parents. Therefore, go through the school code of conduct again with your wards and encourage them to be law abiding. Defaulters will be made to face the wrath of the law.


  1. Picking of Students before Vacation: Parents should note that picking of students at the middle of the term for burial of extended family members, thanksgiving service, wedding, memorial service, religious rituals such as confirmation, etc are not permitted because they


cause distractions to our students. Parents are advised to arrange these programmes when the children are available at home. Note that such request shall not be granted.


  1. Picking of Students from School by Parents Representatives:

Parents who may wish that their wards be picked up by their representatives during and after mid-

term break or any other period of vacation should indicate by forwarding an SMS to the school welfare numbers 0806 813 9005/0807 5490 459 (Girls), 0810 637 8514/0807 549 0463 (Boys) indicating their ward’s name, class and name of their representative who must be identified with valid identity card.


  1. Visiting of Students:

LOGISS is yet to make ready a conducive environment for the visiting of her students, therefore, we appeal to our parents to be patient with us and allow the students concentrate on their studies. Make good use of the weekend calls to communicate with your children/wards. The school shall not accommodate any form of visit except on invitation. Parents shall be duly communicated when we are ready for visiting day.


  1. Weekend Calls: Students receive calls from their parents ONLY on weekends except on emergency. The following lines are for different classes and genders.


JSS1  Boys: 0813 399 7083

                        Girls: 0810 343 7195


 JSS2  Boys: 0906 341 9933

                       Girls: 0806 757 6907


JSS3  Boys: 0814 349 8670

                        Girls: 0906 348 1702


SS1     Boys: 0813 257 4389

                        Girls:  0813 241 4204


 SS2     Boys: 0901 259 3481

                        Girls: 0803 798 9736


           SS3     Boys: 0813 102 8499

                        Girls:              0810 519 9781


  1. Medical Report: Presentation of a report of medical fitness is mandatory for all the students on resumption. Therefore, parents/guardians are advised to ensure that their ward(s) is(are) given medical attention before they return to school so that they can face their studies without distraction.


  1. Infrastructural Development: LOGISS is making rapid growth in the area of infrastructure. This has been our topmost priority, to give a facelift to our standard and quality service delivery. In her undeterred resolve to reposition LOGISS for excellence through the creation of an enabling environment, the Board of Governors has embarked on reconstruction and renovation of LOGISS new site with The State of the Art Facilities. The academic block has relocated to the new site by the grace of God. This will help to fast track the approval of ‘The Rock University”. In addition, the Installation of CCTV cameras is at its advance stage. We appreciate our PTA who has embarked on the construction of 3000 seaters capacity multipurpose hall. To God be the glory.


  1. Competition: Obinna Ebenezer of SS2 represented the school in 2022 edition of NNPC Competition senior category and emerged 2nd position at Local Government Level, 1st position at the State Level and 2nd position at the Zonal Level. He was rewarded with N100,000.00 one off grant. Consequently, he shall be representing the south East Zone at Abuja in August, 2022.


Furthermore, Jesse Ephraim of SS2 also emerged 1st position at the Zonal level of the 20th Annual JETS Competition conducted by the Federal Ministry of Education. He also emerged 2nd position at the State level held at Abuja.


  1. Spiritual Development: Raising students to be patterned after the image of the Lord is a task that cannot be accomplished by human strength. It takes God’s mercy for lives to be truly transformed and conformed to the image of God. We are therefore grateful to Him for His transforming grace at work in the lives of the students. All efforts are focused on bringing up our students in the fear of God. We have great expectations and hope that the gospel of Christ will


bring more transformation in the lives of our students as we pray, teach and direct them to the saving power of God. The soul and spirit are strengthened on fellowship days. Born again students

with clear testimonies are given the opportunity to preach during assemblies and function in our weekly spiritual activities and morning assemblies.


We appeal to our parents/guardians to please adhere to these arrangements to enable us serve you better.


  1. International Examinations: LOGISS prepares and presents candidates for international examinations such as TOEFL, IELTS, ACT and SAT. Students that wish to enroll into any of the above international examinations, must score 70% average and above in their third term SS2 examination result and must have a valid international passport which is the only means of identification for the exam. Parents who are interested should contact us on: 0706 764 8791 or 0915 446 7733 as registration for 2023 admission has started.


Holiday Project/Assignment: Bringing up the students to meet up with our desired goal is a collective responsibility. In the light of the above, we appeal to our parents to help in ensuring that their wards complete the projects and assignment given to them because they form part of their continuous assessment records.


  1. Excursion:

Learning is substantive when it is tangible, therefore, LOGISS students are made to visit many places of interest on excursion in order to observe, touch and feel what they are taught in the classroom. This act greatly enhances their learning potentials. Here are few examples of such this academic year:


  1. SS3 Agricultural Science students embarked on an excursion to Adapalm, Owerri, Imo State and Federal College of Land Resources Technology (OFOROLA,) Owerrri West, Imo State.
  2. SS2 Government students also embarked on an excursion to Independent Electoral Commission, Civil Service Commission, Owerri, and Imo State House of Assembly.
  3. SS2 Fisheries students visited Ajo-Onuma Fish Farm at Ogbaku, Onitsha Road, Oru East, Imo State.
  4. SS2 French students and SS1 Computer Studies/ICT students were not left out as they visited Alliac Francaise, Shell Camp, Owerri, and NTA, New Owerri, Imo State respectively.


N/B:  The Senior Secondary two and three (SS2 and SS3) Geography students shall embark on an excursion next academic year. The cost of excursion for each student is five thousand naira (N5,000.00) only. The money should be paid into the school’s account with a separate letter.


  1. The Sale of Supplementary Examination Forms:

The sale of entrance examination forms into JS1, JS2 and SS1 is on at the school premises and also at all Watchman Diocesan Headquarters nationwide at the cost of seven thousand naira (N7,000.00) only. The examination will take place on August 13, 2022. Hurry now and register your ward/child.


  1. Terminal Result:

Parents can access their wards’ result online from August 12, 2022 through our website: www.logiss.org The hard copy of student’s result will be made available at the school premises on resumption.


  1. Accounts and Payment Verifications

Parents who wish to make enquiries on payment of their ward(s) fees or other related matters should contact us on:  0814 927 1623 or 0803 845 5507.



We wish our dear students a wonderful holiday as they remain worthy ambassadors of our great citadel of learning. Have a safe trip to your various destinations. We hope to see you again on resumption day.  Good bye!.


For:  Logos International Secondary School, Awo-Omamma.

Dr. (Mrs.) Chinwe Anyanwu
